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Florida Transportation Plan (FTP)

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FTP Update

The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and its partners are updating the FTP, and we want you to get involved.

We have concluded our Values and Preferences Survey. Thank you to all who participated and provided your input! We will use this valuable data to outline and draft the next FTP.

Florida Transportation Plan Update Process

The transportation system is dynamic. Florida wants to prepare for these changes while making wise investment decisions.

Questions to consider:

  • Will technology change how and when we travel?
  • How do we prepare our transportation system for, and to recover from, weather, environmental, economic, and operations disruptions?
  • How do we improve the state’s most strategic transportation systems?
  • What regional or local needs should we consider?
  • How do we accommodate growing demand on the transportation system while ensuring safety and security, enhancing our communities, and protecting Florida’s environment?

With your input, the FTP update will help answer these questions and address the ever-changing impacts on the transportation system that affect residents, visitors, and businesses, such as:

  • 700 new people every day over the next 25 years.
  • Increases in tourism from 126.1 million visitors in 2018 to 188.5 million visitors in 2029.
  • Transportation system disruptions from sea level rise and hurricanes.
  • Consumer demand for automated, connected, electric, and shared vehicles.
  • Evolving economy from agriculture and tourism to logistics and technology.
  • Working from home, on-line shopping, and telemedicine.

This FTP will have four elements – a Vision Element, Policy Element, Implementation Element, and Performance Element.

To guide the FTP update process, we assembled a Steering Committee. The Steering Committee provides recommendations to FDOT about the FTP based on the Committee member’s expertise; input from other statewide, regional, and local partners; and supporting technical analyses.

To assist the Steering Committee, we created three subcommittees: An Automated, Connected, Electric, and Shared (ACES) Vehicles subcommittee, a Resilience subcommittee, and a Safety subcommittee.

Over the course of the update, we will share trends for cross-cutting topics and other resources to enhance your understanding of why the FTP matters to you.

Tell us your vision for transportation in Florida. Help FDOT and its partners update the FTP.